Saturday, June 20, 2009

lols~~~ the pics are uploaded into the slideshow....taken during the dinner reception....everyone didnt seem to want to eat....but rather just go round taking photos....and of course talking~~so much fun taking these photos....and of course joking around~~~especially eh-hem the couple running around....xDD JANEHH~~~

||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [11:34:00 PM]*
Friday, June 19, 2009
PHEW~~~finally can use the com without worries....had SNCO course on mon till today....then have to wake up so friggin' early every morn just to reach there on cant use com when i reach home...since i still have to restarch and no time use com...even if have oso not WHO CARES?
monday met up with jianhao and chiuping at tpy central but then they both late...since 1st day...i waited for them then went to HTA...the ride is like so damn long...1HR PLUS TO HTA~~~!!!! CRAZY ARSES LOCATE THEMSELVES IN SUCH AN ISOLATED PLACE!! who cares....then like falled in at the drill shed...then was like 100 over pple OMG~~*SCREAMS* then we all got spilt into 4 platoons....Sierra Charlie November and last but the most fun OSCAR~~then everyone fall out i kepp looking arnd...until left oscar pple...then i thought they all will be like damn serious i keep quiet dont dare talk...after we fall in in our separate platoons...then one sir came over ask for one volunteer...everyone all raise hands...then he lazy choose so call one of us step out as volunteer....then i stepped out...go to the sir....then pple from november oso came....zul and alex...then they say just need one only so zul say he let alex do...and then the sir told me and alex that we supposed to do muster parade...and i went "HUH?!?!WTF IS THAT???" then give the blur face...then the sir explain the muster parade thing to us...and i ended up as the COS for the day....=='''
1st day was damn slack....almost whole day activities all in the lec theatre...then did ice breakers...was like damn'am michal and lavesh kept being the last to sit...then is like damn funny lo...everyoone run here run there still jump summore...then when dunno whos turn the CLTs say must say obvious that guy said "blow those who have lanyard(or was it lineyard?)..." and i stared at him....lols? only i have....then i stare at him he give me the *yea uu* i bo bian go up....damn cute laa...aim at one person....had talks after that....esp LTA Hozefa's talks....they're like SOOOOOO FUNNNNN~~~~whenever there is like something he tells uu to do...and the reason seems unreasonable....he says "COZ IM LTA HOZEFA...GET IT?"
and he said "IF I HATE MATHS UU MUST HATE MATHS....FOR NOW" this kinda stuff....its like so funny....during debrief....had quite some fun...the sirs and ma'ams were very very err....relaxed and err.....dunno how to say...but they talked very nicely to us....much nicer than during the other times when they have to be more fierce...
Second day was more strict...pumping occuured more often....BOS and COS got scolded when alex and I didnt get scolded on 1st day at all....LUCKKYYYY~~~whole day stuck in lec theatre again but mostly the talkes were quite interesting...but i kept dozing off for a while....didnt have enough sleep...sir hozefa's talks were still then we all kinda got his style of when someone ask for reason....we all will say "COZ ITS LTA HOZEFA!!~~~" so cute...had footdrill gold prac....i banged my feet so hard until it almost went numb at the knee area...then almost cnnt i fall out and rest until prac ended...lols?
third day...had CD knowledge lesson and test....the presentation was kinda redanduant for certain parts...and the test was quite easy....was lucky i tried to remember some unnessacary stuff....coz some of them came out...didnt know a few qns...then go back think again really dunno then just tikam liaos....but its quite me only....cant rmb the rest until debrief....we got pumped....then i was like wondering what happen...but then sir linsen told us to treat pumping as them and dunno was rather wierd....but i thought it was a good idea....lools~~
fourth day.....which is ytd only....had gold footdrill and MOI.... took silver in the morning....CLT hizwan took my squadd for silver commanding....then like waited until im the last few pple....then got other pple come in...passed the commanding section...then went to sir farhan for execution section...thinkk i passed...evaluation for my silver...sir farhan said i cant lock my elbows properly...but its true...then he ask if he send me for gold can i lock my elbows....then i said okay ill try my best....or was it yes? ahh but either way i said i would lock my elbows to go for gold footdrill...then he send me go do my moi 1st...go report...then see lavesh's presentation and its lunchtime....LOLS~~~after lunch...waited until my turn then we all in the room helping each other drag time if the presenter finishes the presentation too early so all can pass...looks like i went into the correct room....hahahah...then went for footdrill gold...but had tea break b4 going to report...then like somehow had to report to sir sophian or sir saleem when we reach there...and we all heard sir saleem squad only 4 pple pass....then we all scared....lols~~ but in the end another sir take us for execution for gold....then 1st rounf i passed le with alim alistar winston and the the dunno who...5 pple for 1st round....the rest were so called "pieces of shit" at that time....still waiting to be processed into pieces of impt stuff...then we had to do footdrill moi...alistar started 1st...since short on time...we all became footdrill gienius idiots....lols~~ teach one time then know le....idiots who dont know footdrill and geniuses at learning....ONE TIME LEHHS~~~so we do like damn the time i do which is alr the 3rd person..the 2nd batch came in....4 7 pple in the squad and me....v fast fin....but the the dunno who couldnt teach fin on time....hope he passes that section...then teach here teach there no commanding section....i thought like that everyone fail...the rest cnnt rmb le...
today wake up late...but heng heng still reach on time....still on time take the 7.10 bus to HTA....crazy for the bus....then high all the way the whole day....reach there...go drill shed tio pump and stuff...same things...then go aditorium for SBLA briefing...then we all split into grps and went for the SBLA....after that went back again for briefing....OSCAR 1 MANAGED TO COMPLETE 1 TASK~~~ out of 4....but its an achievement to us....and and and yeahh~~~during morning tea....we all eating fried rice then dunno what happen pple start learning from me and shamini from ytd....laugh with food in the mouth....then we were all like cnnt open mouth laugh then keep "vibrating" and it just keeps spreading around the squad....fall in that time they say dont "vibrate" we all start "vibrating" cnnt control...then me and kevin drinking water that time in front of ma'am lina "vibrate" then she tell us wan laugh dont drink ltr spit out v unhygenic...lols...laugh cnnt control if we halfway drinking start....but we still managed to gulp the water down and fall in....and it was called the "OSCAR VIBRATION?" damn funny lo....after debrief...went to change into our other uniform....i wear until like damn nice laa~~ but i lost my beret....T_T then went for ceremony prac...somehow i got the hang of what we supposed to do...but didnt do it well....coz still not v sure...then went for break...go wash up and our tea again..then run go toilet adjust uni....then run back into auditorium...but then went to hide right at the back polish boots....then nice nice i run to my seat then wait for the thing start....finish POC...had platoon photoshoots after that sirs and ma'am gave us our personalised presents....its like so damn nice me kevin and nicholas all put on our phones...ahahahha then talked yongxin bin pong outside after that for a while then ran round with chiuping taking photos with sirs ma'am and other SNCOs....
all fianlly ma'ams and enceks alr~~~but im going to still be the same as i am...with higher expectations of everyone including myself....especially the SNCOs who went through the course....though oscar didnt win any prize....but we have a prize that no other platoons have~~~ ITS CALLED THE OSCAR VIBRATION~~~~and and and and yeahh~~~~our friendship doesnt end here~~~it will still go on until infinity?? hope sirs and ma'ams will visit all of us sometime soon and i can go visit everyone~~~took so much photos with so many pple~~~some dont need take with coz can rmb the face....some run off so fast no time take....lemme see who i took with....sirs linsen sharen farhan hozefa shahir saleem fawwaz ma'am michal and alot other SNCOs nicholas zul felicia(the little tomboy/brother) claire weisheng(nice couple) had so much fun~~~hope can keep in touch with everyone and have another course like this soon~~~ will post them up in my next post
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [9:13:00 PM]*
Monday, June 8, 2009
finally have mood to post....been quite a while alr....this holiday is busy....but i feel so free...coz i have nth to do during my free time i always stay up till 1plus every week have SNCO....then POP then USAR then still have dunno what other stuff....good thing i run up run down im not gonna get fat anytime soon during this holiday...kinda got back to playing games...but then like sian diao alr i slacking arnd...AND I FINALLY WATCHED UP TO THE LASTEST EPI OF SHUGO CHARA DOKI i think~~THE ANIME IS NICEE~~~ GOOD THING I FOUND THE PLAYLIST WITH ALL THE SONGS AND EFFECTS~~~THE SONGS ARE SO NICE~~anw....guess everyone is busy studying this holiday coz of the mid yr....OHH YEAHH~~~ I HAVENT DONE ANY WORK THAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE~~~OMG~~~NOO~~~ ill do it tmr...i get sick everytime i look at my work...dont get the mood to do it....time to go find animes to watch~~~
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [9:51:00 PM]*