Thursday, April 30, 2009
todayy 2nd last day of normal sch b4 exam starts.....time flies....almost mid yr exams le....may starting too oso....exam season...sianns....todayy go met up with yunqi nn XJ...then like went to sch together....well....showed yunqi the msgs...then instead of like scolding me she say i cute....==''' I HATE THE WORD "CUTE" WHEN ITS USED ON ME!! nvm abt that...went to sch....asked abt the key...then ivan say the key ended up in kah wee de bag...really....bunch of careless fools...==''' and i was like stupid enough to not think abt it....until when i was at home...
went for morn assembly as usual...went back to class str8 away after flag raising to do temp thermometer like wan spoil le....must be i squished it too much....then had lessons....then i was like slacking and sleeping most of the time...totally no mood to be listening to the teachers....damn sick of lectures and stuff like that....
during english...slept the almost like 45mins of the whole hr....then when the the ferrari? called me to wake up....i was like *lifts head...eyes still closed* then like mumbled "huh?" then my head dropp sia....damn stupid lo! then i oso dunno what happen during the time i was asleep...coz i heard that there was some trouble...after i saw yunqi @$% during recess...
she was like going lock door le...then suddenly just *drip* then went *BOOM!* so me and hazel like pushed her into class to talk to her a while...then she *BOOM!* even more...then a while stop...but like the head inside still hvnt stop like i help her lock door let them go recess 1st...then waited for pple...then go recess....nvr eat anything todayy....
then went back class...slack agn...poa nvr listen much....i got another lollipop and chocolate!!! AND LOKMAN GAVE ME ONE OF HIS STICKS OF CHOCOLATE!!! YAYY!!!! SO MUCH GOODIES!!! THANKKYOU LOKMAN!!! then like smsed jie secretly.....then after that sleep a while....and lesson much too just slack...assembly oso slack...after assembly....kena held back by the mrs haridass....she say 30mins or less...then after bell ring she was like "i want you to go back and do....." then she wanted to say "im going to dismiss you now"...but then change into "i want you to also do...." then i was like really wtf lo...damn sianns...
but after that when we were dismissed i still slack arnd...xDD stupid sehhs! then most of the guys that stayed back for a while...we were like outside class jumping at the pipes near the ceiling....and i made so much noise...oops...xDD i cant stop when my mouth opens...xDD
then after fauziah was like staring at us from a we all hide into the classroom...and slack there...then ivan ask for help open his i open and eat for him..but then return him eat....T.T i want more lollipop!!! then like waited for yunqi to go....then i eat ivan de lollipop agn...until front door i give him back xDD
then we went council rm look for mendi...but then the councillor de hazel came in...then b4 she went out agn she tell me "just for uur info...non-councillors are not supposed to be in here..." and i like stared at her blankly....and showed that *err...okayy...* face xDD then after that i didnt wanna get into i went outta sch 1st...then like waited outside with XJ...and he like became a busker for one of my picture collections!! OMG HE WAS LIKE SO DAMN CUTE!!!

Xuanjie the "FIRED BUSKER"!!!!

so we waited until the 3 girls came out...then we go home...
went home put stuff...changed...ate abit...then went to meet up with yunqi mendi nn XJ...went to tpy central....then like went to buy...things....then we went to eat...walk until pizza hut...then i wanted to go home...but then they ask me sit down with i sit lo....ended up eating with them! wth sia....while waiting for our food...we all were folding the roses...i finally learnt how to fold it!! YAYY!!! must learn to tie it now! then the food came....we all ate...then like chatted while eating...and i keep patting yunqi on the head!! i was like "yunqi dont talk while eating" *pats her on the head* and stuff...then got her pissed! even at popular....and i almost like spit out the coke i was drinking on XJ then they started the spitting joke that happened during the enviro race thingie...then we all almost started spitting at each chain reaction...then we like ate for quite long...then finish eating le...sit down there drink coke and chat....
then like started on the horny subject...dunno who started....then dunno how come talk until vibrators,bondage and stuff....then we all were laughing away....and i was still folding my rose at that time...v hard to fold...then suddenly mendi just like said dunno what...then i heard something like "ehh tzeching lehhs!" or something like that...then that commotion abt it started....and i kinda like turned my head to the entrance...and then maybe sw her or what...but then i just turned back and focused on my rose....maybe i thought i was hallucinating...and XJ was like "who is that?! what thing?!"
then after the commotion ended...we went back to jokes and XJ started up the sausage thingie...then after that we spent a while asking him things and he kept replying "sausage!" then we ask until dunno how make him i suddenly thought of a damn sick qn...i asked him...."which part of ms choong do uu always look at?" then he stared at me....then he was really staring hard at me blankly....and he laughed!!! then we were like "YAYY!!! XJ LAUGHED!!!" then he like told us...."ask me that kind of qn i rather laugh then say sausage!"then we like finished up and went to pay bill...and went home....but mendi and yunqi wanted to take me and XJ took 238 see how far they would be when we reached home...and it was like damn fast laa...i thinkk we smsed them that we reach home that time was like roughly 3-5mins they should be like just arnd beatty that area nia...or even further behind! so fun~~~
i felt so relieved to be able to see uu....just even for that single second....but i feel so guilty...i feel like im such a jerk....for those things that i have done to uu...
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [5:45:00 PM]*
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
todayy is INSANITY!!!!! im going crazy! morn go sch nth to do....then the class looked so v empty! then morn assembly....still the same...go back for amaths....then all the messy messy stuff from that @#%@#%#%@$# mdm ong...the symbols are something that cnnt mention....but mentioned b4 in tution....damn funny one....then i was like copy halfway copy until i like secretly reading the fullmetal alchemist manga under the until lesson end summore....xDD she teach until like can sleep like that one lo....i think i rather just copy and go home read up dont understand ask pple...easier for is not my cup of tea.....i never liked studying in the first place...its such a chore....nvm abt that....
then had pe....went to change and stuff...then the girls were supposed to run 2.4 whole guys go fin up the remaining2 stations...and then coz like quite a few guys failed and a few of us wanted to re run for better results....the last 2 stations were like postponed...then we did our re run instead....well i spent quite a while pestering mr tang to lemme run...and like ended up starting as the last few...
i kinda rushed though the whole 3 rounds...coz i wanted to get like 9mins or less....i know i can do it..but not anytime soon....but still i wanted to i ran and ran and ran....then like passed alot of pple then squeezed through alot pple too...and them some of them is like walking and chitchatting....then block the whole i didnt care and i just ran right through them!!! RAWRRR!!!! SPRINT MODE!!!! then like went *sqeuz MEEE!!!* then suddenly *boing!* and im through! then like alot pple blocking me on purpose dont want me run like sia....they dont want run then at least dont be like garbage blocking the route like that laa!!
not 3e3 pple though! 3e3 pple are so good to let other pple who run pass unlike other classes! then its like i just cut through them they go *chik*! they blocking me and still *chik* me...more like i *chik* them ahhs! then i run past the last few pple that blocking me that time i was so damn pissed that i like mumbled *fuuck laa* then i run the end of my 2nd round...saw zhiyao...but he was rather far ahead of i like tried to catch up with him....but still ended up running equal with him near the front gate...and we both were like telling each other to run finish the last lap....and in the end i couldn't take it...i told him to run 1st..but he was like just a few seconds in front of me...
so its ok...and i WAS 5 SECONDS SLOWER FROM LAST WEEK!!!! NOOO!!!!! then i kinda felt depressed lo...and i didnt feel the same like last week...last week felt more different than myself....but this week i felt like i was running more like myself...i think something is wrong with me...anw...i pespired too much...i was like a leaking tap! then like walked alil' more than last week and drank some water....felt abit depressed..but suddeenly zi high for no reason....side effect! OMG!! NO!!!! but then after that dismiss le....changyen,chengfei,weekai,sherman,jive and i were like practicing our pull ups...then we like kept doing all the funny stuff...and then jive couldn't even do i said "if uu cnnt one metho confirm uu sure can do...just..." *punches his ah-hem!* and then he was like *wtf! raises himself up abit* but it wasnt was only a little close to the if it was real he could've went up once at least! then like went for recess after that...
had chinese listening compre after recess...kinda screwed that....then eng...was still reading the manga....then physics...packed up went to the lab...slacked in the aircon...then go back class...and then we all went for lunch....but then ivan kinda lost the class i like helped to look for it a little while then go lunch and go back help find...then go report...then they say go call pple from class go down i went up...take earpiece....then help find....find until really dunno where...then no choice go down with avel...then its like we had to wait until those upstairs finding gave up and came down....then kena nagging...on the bus oso kena...then halfway stop nagging...we do our own stuff until reach the incineration plant...had a video presentation...then go for the actual trip...
the trip was rather STINKY but its like so fun!!! we like saw the palce where all the rubbish are dumped at...then a few of us took a photo just in front of that big pothole!
gonna get from moodle when the tcr posts it up! then went on with the trip...then like sa the operators working...their accuracy really super nia! 50% of the junk went to burning out of a whole crane of rubbish!the rest like dropped out back into the dump! then we were like OMG!! GODLY AIMING!!! then looked like the soft toy the machine thingie lo! just that they're grabbing rubbish instead of soft toys! then we like went to see the control room and stuff....then last was the ash pits and the scrap metal pits..was like so stinky there that almost everyone were like using their ties to cover the nose...then after that go back into the dunno where...then took another pic of us playing with the the "toy thingie" then i keep presspress the button! so fun!!! presspresspress!!!! ltr press until spoil! xDD
had a mini quiz....then Q&A session...then photo taking!!! we took like 2 informal and then last one the tcr say "wan take one crazy one?" we all like went "ookokokokokkk!!!" then we like pose all the crazy poses...then my area that grp of guys were all were like hugging arnd....crossing each others legs...then yiliang head was like beside my he grabbed my shoe and pulled it out and threw it behind! OMG LAA!!! then we were like so OMG!!! ivan was like OMG!!WHO THROW SHOE AT ME!! face...then i was like laughing like crazy! then we had to go back....on the bus i sit all alone!!! then i listened to my music...almost fell asleep! so fun!! i wanna have another trip like this agn!!
i have been thinking about it....if these feelings would ever reach uu...if i can stay like love uu forever...i just cant forget....
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [6:54:00 PM]*
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
tomorrow is napfa againns!!! not gonna try to become a madass tomorrow like last caused me like around 3 days of dragging and like tmr ima just gonna get like abit more that the minimum req. for A and thats not gonna like overshot by a big load....ahh abt todayy then...
went to sch....slacked test papers backk....and i totally flunked 2/3 tests that i had in that 1 day! OMG!! i failed my chinese and got like a close pass for my amaths!! i really have to buck up.....but im just lazy to do my not in the mood to do it anymore.....its like i just cant concentrate on my homework....i need someone to do homework with if i ever wanna give least i have someone to force me to do it! URGH!! then like had amaths after chinese...which i had to stand for 1hr...coz i didnt bring my emaths workbook....then my stomach started growling like 30mins into the lesson....and i was suffering with that hunger for 30 whole mins.....then like 15mins into the hunger....i felt like i had stomach i squatted down and bit my lips and stood up...
somehow managhed to tahan until recess...but then still had to wait for zhionghan....but like waited until my stomach buey went down to buy my stuff and food 1st...then sat down to fin and put the bowl that time....saw zhonghan..walked over chatted a while then kena dragg off le....then like sneaked my drink outta canteen...and that nicole had to stop me....waddthe...when she saw my drink she go say "eyy!! i oso wan drinkk!!" then she like took it and drank....then i kinda wanted to say "since uu drink then lemme go! xDD" but then like nvr drink abit while walkiing another direction...but she still stalk we nego....then she say "uu drink until left this much i let uu go" so i drank and then she close one eye lemme go! see!! the advantage of befriending so much councillors...xDD but i dont do this often...or they sure kena scolding....then after that had photo taking....went to hall....then most of the guys including me all sat down in front of a fan and slack...coz v stuffy....then like slack until tcr call...if tcr nvr call we all slack until dunno when le lo!
then after that lined up...then like got arranged and stuff....then went to take photo...and then informal was the same boring stuff.....when informal we all like crapped....but i did like the same thing as every yr...pull pple downwards....every year oso same thing....i dunno why....maybe i like pulling pple! nahhs...i find it fun....actually i wanted to poke ivan's arm...but he wouldn't let me! IVANNN!!!! WHY DONT LEMME POKE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! nvm....then we like went back to class for show and tell after that...and todayy was all girls except for SHERMANN~~!!! he was the only guy...poor thing.....nvm...then we had geog! that was the best! had boring lessons until left like 20mins or so...mrs ho went outta class tfor dunno what reason...and then she said if bell rang b4 she was back we could all leave....then we like crapped...then hazel went to off the lights coz some pple wanna sleep...when the bell rang we faster tke books all run out of class...then we like all saw mrs ho outside toilet talking to pple....we damn heng lo...if she wasnt talking to that guy we all sure tio from her for sleeping in class...
then went to 1e3 for last session of live lesson....T.T didnt bring anything for them todayy....i was like damn worried they would be like asking why they nvr get anything....but they are the best! not only they didnt ask why we nvr bring anything! they didnt bother abt it! they just cared abt having fun with us! though they didnt give us anything too....but its the fun that matters! not the stuff we give! coz things can be decomposed,lost,eaten and so on...but memories will always remain! thats what i thinkk...though im kinda jelous that other class psls got cards from their sec1s....
its ok for me anw...ima go buy something for them when i have the time....its been fun while it lasted...and they were like pulling me arnd coz they wanted to see my ezlink card when huiyi passed it to me....=='''....then after collecting the feedback foms....was tele-ing the ans for the 1st qn....then tzeching suddenly ask..."why yume sitting at the back ahh? she can see fromt ehre mehhs?" so clara and i like looked over at yume....then i kinda saw the pple in fron of her.....the heads were like closer ans closer to the table as they were closer to the board...soit seemed like she was ther tallest in her i replied "look at the pple in front of her...." it was hilarious....but i kinda managed to keep my laughter in...just by quickly replying...went for the debrief while the rest looked after the class....then like listen to feedback abt the sessions from tcrs and stuff....then dismiss le...
and its like when i got outta the library then the girls were walking up the i was thinking "mrs koh just got back? v "early" siol" then liek talked to jessica and yilin abt the debrief outside their class and went back....then talked to huiyi and tzeching abt it oso....then had chem lsp...afte that..helped yunqi with her POA abit then she say wan talk to i go for lunch....and then like slack arnd...and go back class take bag go home...
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [6:50:00 PM]*
Thursday, April 23, 2009 bored once legs feel even heavier today....and i was like almost dragging my feet everywhere in sch....damn my body....its friggin weak now....gotta train up le....anw....
woke up in the morn saw daddy send me some joker sms...and i forwarded to everyone!! its was so cute that i couldnt not send to anyone....then like chatted over sms with some pple....especially audeline nu-er...went to sch rather usually....then someone called me i went down....sat inside the class....chit chat....until the singh blow whistle then go morn assembly...usual stuffs....then lessons....i like crapped arnd during the usual headache agn...dunno whats wrong with me...
then recess....went to eat with "huggable" then like chatted abt cca stuff...he gt prob with some pple....then like v hard settle...but then like chatted until bell ring....had POA...listen to lessons halfway....then like felt damn dizzy after smsing in class for a i wentta slp....hugged my bag while sleeping until lesson end....and i 4got i had runny nose....then when hazel woke me up....i looked like i poped out from the anime....the water was like flowing out of my nose....then i dunno if i like sucked in back into my nose or dripped somewhere....then hazel like went "EEE!!!"" and jumped back....LOLS!!!
social studies...kinda bored...but still listened....coz i think i had enough rest....then like went for assembly after that...crapped alot during assembly....then after assembly....packed up...wanted to go home...but then had to stay for a while abt the UG race i was like the only one in my cca there...coz dunno why haohao not there....duane fly until dunno where....babu ninja-ed his was out....then the 2 girls like *poof*! then BB pple like not there oso...GG even worse....not a single soul.....then like so sadded laa...there all guys the end we just submit the names of the guys...girll dunno what to do laa...get mr chan go find them himself...xDD tthen went home...slack!!!! OHH YEA!!! i 4got to gratz the CO for silver.....though they aiming for gold.....but it was good....i didnt see them in action....but ill say this..."NOTBADNOTBAD!!!!!"
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [8:17:00 PM]*
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
woahhhahahahahahahhh!! todayy is totally on the other end of yesterday!!! knew that i have pe todayy....then gonna do napfa!! and i woke up super early...reach the bustop early!! nvr miss 232 todayy!!!
went to sch...put bag study abit amaths....then rev for chinese test...go morn assembly study chi undercover xDD then after that had some race briefing....wanted to go...but then i 4got to register! ARGH!!! then like went back class.....slack abit more then mdm ong came in....amaths test....really kinda flunked it! GOSH! IM RIGHT ONCE AGN!!! ARGH!! but who cares! ill buck up for the exams!
then after that pe i spent a bit more time to fin my homework then was the last to go change! came out not last! waahhahahahahaaa!!! PE IS MY FAV SUBJ!!!! SO FUNNN!!! then we went to the the staffroom de cupboard there...then guys and girls split....guys go 2.4km run girls go do remaining stations....but only like ivan chengfei and sherman? went with girls coz they cnnt have pe...sick or injured....waddthe...then after that we went to foyer saw the CO they were going out i like chat abit with them then they so nvr chat much...then we go until the security guard that area then saw mr like waited there until our class turn to run...
got our tag numbers....then start tapping and running....was the first few to run off...4th to start i thinkk....then like weekai run so fast....3rd start not 50m he 1st le...then i chase behind chase....then chase until like some mad ass idiot...=='''then near the front gate the playground there weekai slow down agn....then he like ask me to run with him....but then coz i was abit blurr alr and i wanted to get my best timing i could get...i kinda ignored him...*sorry weekai!!! T.T SORRY I IGNORED UU!!!!* then past the gate...tapping....then i run my 2nd round le...didnt know how long i took....and i was like wow....i running dunno how long le...felt like forever....
then 2nd time i run past my 1e3....i kinda heard pple shouting my name...AND I HEARD EDDIE ERZII!!!!! AHAHAHAHAA!!! but then i was stunned at that time le....i didnt know where i was running some wierd magic...i felt like i wasnt running....kinda unconcious there....xDD then tapp 2nd time i know that! then i started to come back to my senses....and then i kinda kept my pace until the behind canteen area there....then i like started to slow down....and i like felt damn sick chest started to hurt....breath getting short and stuff....but then i knew that i was left with the stupid stretch then im done i just increase my pace...went into CHIONGSTER MODE!!!!! RAAAWRRRRRR!!!! then boomed right through it....then like stun there agn 5sec this time....and i alr tap my 4th time...then i stand there like one block of wood...then kinda almost hyper ventilated....but i still caught my breath and got back....i was lr like seriously wet at that as if i from swimming pool come out like that...ask how long i took...and the result is....*ill give it at the end!*
i like saw CO finally going to the bus when i was going back to the foyer...then dunno is amanda or AHHYI JOCELYN call me....then i could only smile back...but its like damn weak smile lo....go until foyer mr chan ask me if im ok...coz i look like im almost dying....then i smile agn...then go drink water....drink water le i go foyer sit down wait pple...then mr chan ask me how long i took...told him and he say i not human....who say cnnt!! EVERYONE CAN DO IT!!! ITS ONLY IF THEY WANNA DO IT!
then darren came back...changyen came back....alot pple come backk...then i stand up...go canteen sit sit...then go up hall report to mr tang....alot pple like to ask how long we take for then i realise....seriously....then darren had to like do pull he did it....and he did like 6!!! *DARREN!!! 2MORE AND UU GET "A" UU KNOW!!!! WHY UU GIVE UP?!!?!?!?!!*but then nvm laa...we all left together...
go back class....sit at jonathan de chair....under the fan....blow fan..then i go take my book...rev chi while i recovering from my shock of running....then like study until left 15mins recess then i take wallet go buy things skipped my legs were like friggin' heavy from the run....go back class...slack a while then chi test! WTF! the test was like damn crazy lo....the qns were okayy...but the passages were crazy! the qns and passages had totally no link!! then its like so hard to ans!! FLUNKED ANOTHER TEST!!!....then slack the rest of the day....sch end...go lunch...then go for geog test....WTF!!! FLUNKED IT OSO!!! but who cares? its like i hate studying...ima giving up on studying!
so after that....had student ldr dialouge session...didnt wanna go...but in the end i got dragged to stay nvm....had the onehhonehh or whatever and currypuff....ate 1 of each b4 the session started...then like lazed arnd....joke abit here the raise issues abt the toilet! WTF!!! but it was rather like then joked when we could and stuff...after that ate more....
then go hall see beatty idol....kinda like got forced to go....coz horr someone wan me go see....then go lor...anw nth do at home...then like got kinda high there abit....joke arnd crapp arnd...after that went home with jovan....then i like keep whacking that someone on the head at the foyer!! SO FUN!!! if she hadnt used pple as would've been more fun....
walked home with jovan...chatted abt today de napfa and stuff....then on the bus...nearing the bustop the bus jerked...AND I STEPPED ON JOVAN'S FOOT!!!! OMG SORRYYY!!!!!! ><''' the he was like give the *oww face* then the *tahan face* then say something then give *oww face* and so on....was like damn cute laa!! i should've like recorded it!! then go down bus he buey tahan...LOLS! then like walked him to his void deck and came home....and now im going for dinner!!! ohh yeahh....and i got like.....ah hem for my 2.4km run....the timing is 9.11mins!!! OMG!!!! IF I DIDNT LIKE SLOW DOWN THOSE FEW TIMES I COULD'VE GOTTEN 9MINS OR LESS!!!! RAWRRR!!!! NOOOOOOO~~~~!!!!!!!!! ohhkayy....ima go dinner...then pack bag and stuff then go slp early....damn tired....todayy is too much to handle....*ENTERING LAZE MODE* *SLACKING*
i seriously just dont know what to do....everytime i see just tongue-tied....when i think abt uu....i realise how little we talk now...i tried to call or sms uu...but everytime im halfway through...i just stop....coz i dunno what to say to confused....
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [6:42:00 PM]*
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
so bored...woke up late this morn....missed the 232 bus just by that stupid few steps....then i had to like wait another 10mins plus!!! WTF!!! but who cares....classroom still cnnt open yet....stupid! like that only then 1 week cnnt open class in the morn! then i was lucky that i ran after taking my book outta my bag....that stupid singh appeared like outta nowhere behind me...just when i walked past the corridor the back door is facing...or whatever....SERIOUS SHIT!
then like went for morn assembly....WAHAHAHAHAHA DADDY GOT HIT ON THE HEAD BY MEEE!!!!! then he wanted to hit me but no chance WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! SADDS!!! same usual morn assembly....long and boring....go back class oso boring...wanted to slp....but then like half sleepy half not was like in lazy mode! during lessons slack alot...emaths lesson spent the whole 1hr copy 1 homework and listen to tcr....was like doing damn slowly coz no mood....
recess...usual....fin eating left with my "huggable" then go try pull ups agn....then like pangsehh pmr president and backbone boy everytime time i wait for them laa....otherwise ltr make them feel left out....then they sad i oso sadd....
after recess back to slacking mode.....slack until like live lesson...class bonding...WE HAD PIZZA,PEPSI AND KUNGFUPANDA!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! super nice combo! we were all like sitting down watching....then suddenly mdm noryati say if we wan can anytime go take the pizza...then hazel stood up 1st for the pizza and everyone oso follow stand up...when i realise can take that time....the pizza were almost gone le....but i heng still manage take one slice...and some pple didnt get....and then i was like so lazy to walk back to my i sat with jonny then we had like the backseat view~!!! the movie was so damn funny!! though our class speaker gt problem...then we just treated the parts where no sound came out as censored parts!! HEAR NO EVIL!!!! xDD
after live lesson....packed up....then went for physics was rather ok for today....didnt feel so sleepy....then like jio jonny go my hse do the blog....otherwise he sure nvr do by tmr de!so after LSP we went to my hse....then my mummy at home...but i still used the com anyway....then helped jonny make his blog....then we like crapped arnd after finishing the blog....then i watch him play com while watching tv! i can finally multitask! and i oso helped my mummy with her stuff too!!! thats 3! then after jonny went home...played abit of for songs to listen....then siannddedd all the way le.....
TMR GOT PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! but sure like gt nth for me do i prepare tmr go running le.....nth do anw....and tmr gt so many test!!!!! WTFF!!!! IM STILL IN LAZY MODE!!!! AHHH!!!!! NOOOOOOO~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *falls into bottomless pit*
tmr have student leader dialouge session and i have to be there....boringgg......i dont feel like going.....but maybe ill go coz maybe ill go see the beatty idol after the session? go there slack laa....go there waste more time....then wont be so bored at home! i hate sitting in front of the com alot! but i have nth better to do.....
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [9:35:00 PM]*
Saturday, April 18, 2009
GOSH! i lost track of time agn...nvm...ytd was AA'09....dismissed at 10 then go cca room put my full u in there and go home slack....but then in the end had lunch with my best longtime pal jonny! then went to my hse slack....we like dabao-ed lunch to my hse....then when we were eating...jonny like took the chilli and dropped it only my dumbells by accident and i only heard a "POK!" then its there all over the floor and table le...and of coz my dumbells...then we cleaned up and watched anime and the HUMAN TETRIS while having our lunch!!! the human tetris is like SOOOOO OMGGG!!!! FUNNYY!!!! we only like watched a few vids of it.....coz its quite long and we kinda replayed a few parts coz its seriously DUMBB!!! then we like laughed alot watching that....maybe i should post it up next time! NU-ER MUST TC OF UURSELF WORR!!! then we like slacked until abt 12.30 then we go back sch....ahahahaha!!! lames lo! go home do nth! ahahahha!!
went back sch...kena nagging....then badd mood...but then saw the the the...PRESIDENT MY BUDDY!!! AND AUNTIEE JOCELYN!!! COZ THEY WERE CALLING ME? then i go chatchat with the end i went to buy lunch with nicole leeling and zhonghan....lols! super bored anw...cca room not open when i was there anw...then we go buy food and paopaocha! then we like chat abt all the funnyfunny stuff...and leeling saw ms choong....then she shhh nicole and nicole was like "ohh!! ms choong lehh!!" loudloud summore....then she turn arnd saw us....i was like almost going ROFL! then when ms choong gng back sch nicole saw her wearing slippers...then she said " wahh!!....<4get> MS CHOONG WEARING SLIPPERS LEHHS!" LOLS!
then we buying the paopaocha halfway the the whowhowhowhowho came..cnnt rmb le....but i thethe TABLECHAIR!! and ehhs...npcc de pple....i dont really know their names... and the the hazel! lols!then since she there i sunbian ask abt the tues the dunno what discussion thingie...for cca or what de...then we all walked back together after that....but then its like zhonghan leeling and nicole walk so fast...and i helping them take i follow them walk fastfast...pangsehh the rest....=='''' evil sehhs!
go back sch pass zhonghan their stuff then i go cca room...then its i go in start polishing...then like polish v long...until time to go change i go change...and then fall in....dunno why tio pump agn....i was seriously blurr at that time...then after that had to size up then fall in for rehearsal....then do 1 or 2 times then we go change full u....prac one more time....then really do actual....
the actual one is like super long lo....stand there so long wait for npcc march out....i got abit dizzy....then npcc march in le wait agn.....then at that time my headache start coming back....but then i was stubborn abt not falling i just bit my lip....then when i gonna like black out i bite....bite until red patch there still biting....then when finally can fall out....i walk until the cca room door..then sit down and like blacked out a while....then after that maizurah ask me go sit other i slowly walk off and by then go key go in....since got fan have air circulation....i felt alot better...and soon i was back to normal le....xDD super crazy body of mine! anw....had my food then throw away....pack up wait for duane then zao go home play com le....and i played overnight!!!! YAYY!!!
im going to bathe and prepare go tution le!!! today got super good notes to take! must go pack bag liaos!
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [11:40:00 AM]*
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
so sianns....fri is AA'09....time flies....tmr have to stay back for another AA parade prac agn....its been almost one yr le.....since my 1st major parade i thinkk....3more im sick and really extremely sick recently....i dont even know if i can hold out till the end of the parade...or even worse....until friday....but who cares!!! im sure my body will hold out....this isnt the worst anw....
todayy kinda woke up earlier....miraculously....4plus up liaos....then roll like 2hrs....go sch....damn sianns.....lessons as usual....then chinese period tcr sayy we gotta do a chinese blog....and i was like *waddthe?* but i find it fun jiejie last time do....then i see her so fun!!! i wan try...and im starting to like crazy! ARGH!
then like played arnd until geog....then i felt kinda wierd...then i realised that i was SICKKK!!!! when i counted the number of times i sneezed in class+runny nose+constant headaches occurrence....then mrs ho ask if im sick...i like nodded....then dunno what happen during geog class....i was like 1/2 concious only....but i kinda get what was happening....didnt rmb though....
then live lesson the class split into 2....then my grp which had to go to the other venue.....waited outside the classroom....but no one come we went to the AVA room!!! OMGOMG!!! IM SICKK AND I GO AIRCON ROOM!!! BUT IT WAS SO FUNN IN THERE!!!!! kinda....go in enjoy aircon!! kinda my type of fun! xDD
then like talked abt the cyberbullying? and i was the group was rather funny laa....we guys kinda crapped alot....then after that tcr ask qns....we give stupid ans...we heng tcr is ms agnes lim and mr hamzan....both the v good tcrs! AHAHAHAH!!! then its like so fun crapping.....then when we had to like finish up....then we had to say "i learnt that
then jonny said dunno what cyber bullying is bad or something.....then he pass me the ball i stunn there a few seconds....dunno should pass or say....and at that moment i thought of something i said "cyberbullying comes in many forms?" then i faster pass to MONKEY le! i was like really blurred out....then after that had our chem lsp.....kinda managed to abosorb abit of what was thought....then dismiss le spent a while in class slacking....and went home....should i get mc for tmr and thurs? AHHH THURS CNNT!!!! HAVE CIRCLE TIME WITH MY 1E3!!!! AHAHAHAHAA!!! CNNT MISS!!! ONE OF MY FAV PERIODS!!! THEY'RE SO FUN!!! tmr got final AA'09 prac.....or i should sayy...cca....=='''coz fri agn cnnt have bring forward to tmr....==''' really starting to hate to go for cca le....its so damn boring....
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [9:29:00 PM]*
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
ARGH!!! finally im blogging....been having headaches for the past week or so....then no mood blog.....the whole week was like so damn crazy.....stay back so many days....waking up late for sch that i have to rush to sch....and i just cnnt slp well....roll arnd so much in bed.....then wake up so damn early in the slp until i almost late...and i like woke up arnd 4 in the morning...then slp like 1hr plus wake up agn until 7am..then like rush to sch in 20mins....damn sweaty....but still managed to get to sch on time....then sat at the back and i really mean the back...then like took some random book from kenneth de bag fan myself the whole morning assembly...go back class...damn like rested a while then cnnt rest anymore mood...then whole day rush like crazy....after sch still stay in class fin up the chinese homework....then runrunrun to open cca room and go have like $3 plus almost $4 worth of lunch oso not enough.....
then had to go back cca room change....then 2.30 had to get the sec1 and 2s fall in...the sec1s go fall in then keep playing arnd...the sec2s see not alot pple then say no need fall in...ii gng be no.1 le then its like im being put under so much pressure and the sec2s treat me like im invisible! WTF IS THIS SHIT! PUT ME NO.1 FOR WHAT? NO ONE RESPECT ME WHAT! GO LET SEC2S TAKE OVER LA PUT THEM UNDER PRESSURE LA!!! WAD KIND OF SHIT ARE THEY TRYING TO PROVE? THEY NOT ARND THE CCA WILL CLOSE DOWN AHHS? THEY WAN I CAN MAKE SURE IT CLOSE DOWN! THEN SEE WHAT THEY SAY! FUCKING ASSHOLES AND BITCHES! IM SICK OF BEING THE GUAIKIA! WAN DO DO UURSELF LA! PPLE DONT COME IS NOT MY TAIJI WHAT~! COME ASK ME DRAG THEM BACK! WHY DONT UUR GO DRAG UURSELF! IM SICK OF THIS!
then after that only have time mark time do pt...coz they drag here drag there then like left 15mins how do pt? the pt theye oso need like at least 45mins...dont say footdrills la...the sec2s de discipline not even there lo....out of like 15(i think) pple....only like 4 or 5 pple de attendance is consistent one....the rest is wan come then come dont feel like coming then dont in the end pass to pong take over...give me 15mins change i go change...then no time polish in the morn...then while changing polish...and came out late...tio pump...its like wtf lo....then nasrul go say next time we change must 10mins...WTF! they can not all can la...pls lo...then go for the rehearsal for next mon de NCDCC day...then halfway i got giddy....then fall go back agn..then had to go for AA prac after a while...
AA prac...i alr damn tired le....dont feel like doing i force myself do...and then that bitch had to arrow me for no bloody hell reason! its like my footdrill is not the worst lo....then still must purposely arrow me! then after a few rounds she go tell pong to like help me with my locking of my elbow! LOCK WHAT SHIT! I ALR LIKE AT MY LIMIT LE STILL LOCK WHAT MOTHER F****** SHIT! WAN ME MAKE HOLES IN HER MOUTH AND LOCK IT UP ISIT?! then i in the end really bobian report sick fall out go help sec1s....they still learning wear the uniform....then teach until damn happy....and pong had to spoil my mood by being there...then after that went to cca room rest...then had a small talk with chiuping abt cca stuff...then we go out help sec1s agn...then like stuck with the sec1s until everyone go home...left the sec4s and me....then they dunno what.. wan to test me how to teach sec1s how wear uniform properly tmr...test until the alarm for sch closing started...and they still purposely go pull my sleeves down when i said i dowan to pull it down! ITS LIKE WTF LA! THEY WAN TRY PPLE PULL THEIR SLEEVES WHEN THEY FOLD UNTIL LIKE SO DAMN XIN KU THEN THE SCH IS CLOSING IN LIKE 15MINS AND THEY MAYBE WONT EVEN FOLD IT ALL UP FOR UU BACK! but they were smart to flod it all back...or i would have really whacked the two stupid WOs! its like they think they highest ranking in the sch de cca now can do what they like! then went home....smsed all sec3s to bring full-u tmr...and the stupid brenda had to say she washed her uniform...its like she just had to get it dry and bring it tmr...yet she had to be so GL to say cnnt dry it...then nvm....i lazy to bother abt her liaos....she wan rot i let her rot....i wont care abt such a irritating bitch le....came home like lost my temper so damn easily and almost turned the whole hse upsidedown....
if being no.1 in the cca is so stressful....i rather not be lo....make my brain cells die faster and lose my hair more easily.....and plus im not the kind of pple who can tolerate stress well...i will lose myself if im under alot of stress de....SO IF ANY OF THE SEC4S ARE READING THIS! I WILL SAY THIS! IM PLANNING TO QUIT IF THIS CARRIES ON!
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [8:00:00 PM]*
Thursday, April 2, 2009
hmms....ytd was april fool's day....early morn hear b'day song from jiashen coz my surname is super damn bloody close to the word he wanted to bash me...but ended up bashed by me...then switched classes with e4 after morning assembly...but the joke was ruined by ms choong....she was such a spoilsport....w/e then crapped the rest of the folled by the unform fitting pple...they came super late....made me lose loads of to today
woke up late agn...been oversleeping recently....damn tired unknowingly....i just hate to wake up now....its such a nightmare....
rushed to bustop as usual...then saw jovan ZHUZHU and yunqi there....and i was like *did they oversleep too??* then we went to sch together...on the bus...XJ got a call from yiliang to check with us if we got the class key....supposingly they couldnt find the key....then yunqi got a call from changyen....he say he 4got return key and its with him...then hes gonna be late coz he overslept....==''' must be yiliang sms all to have a good rest then all sleep too much le....>< JUSTKIDDIN'! so we like went to sch...walked straight to parade sq...didnt wanna waste time climbing up and down....then like had morning assembly....went back class....had lessons....slacked....
then recess....same stuff...just that i went to train abit of pull-ups.....then go back class...then POA lesson....tcr came in late 5mins....GL for 10mins...15mins gone left 45mins....make us do test....all rushing....i rush like crazy...must have made alot of mistakes....then after lesson she go off le...then i quickly finish up the last bits and run go hand in....alot pple did that v crazy....=='''' had like 1/2 of usual social studies...then went to hall for the councillors'(is this how they spell it?) investiture....or whatever that is...then we crapped quite alot...ivan de grp behind crapped too much pissed me off...but was ok after a while...then we like crapped till the end....then went back class....
packpack...waitwait...then go lunch...didnt eat anything...just drank fin my lemon tea...then go talk to the pple at 3rd floor...then like all so busy run up run time for me like that....SADDED!!!! T_T but i got to talk to huggable friend!! so talked to him...
went back canteen get bag..but then the others were i went to look for the bball court myself 1st....and i saw NU-ER with ehhs.....marcus and thethe....ehhs...OHHYAAHHH!!! STM laa....then walked with them to the bball court...but like no i tagged along with them to the mrt....but on the way suddenly yume spotted lemme see....hmms....1st person she shouted was tzeching....then i think i saw atiqah and the 3rd person was either huiyi or having prob remembering w/e....then we walked until close to the mrt entrance...then yume go say dunno what"now i know why uu follow us!!!" and i was like *waddthe...she's thinking of something crazy just bored that no one is at the court!!* so i like said byebye to the 3 of them and went case yume says anymore crazy stuff which i dont wanna hear...shes rather spastic at times....and thats a good thing abt her....i should really hammer her for that....
then took a damn long detour back...and the guys were there i changed too....then we kinda practised while waiting for the pple to come...then dunno what happen....pple come say dunno what...then pissed jovan off? i thinkk...then like w/e pple started to come in one by one...but in the end we went over to the bball court behind yellow pages there....then slacked for like 1 1/2 match...coz they didnt want me to play most probably...then i got seriously bored that i borrowed XJ de psp play....when my turn i was alr like rather reluctant to play le....coz no mood le...they throw me last 1/2 of the game then they dont want me play at all like they give me face coz im there.....damn what i just play like crap....then they sub me that time i really feel like gng home straight...waste my time wait there see them play for what? its like they dont like me playing anw mahhs....but then in the end still stuck arnd...coz i feel shld give them i stuck arnd...
in the end went home with XJ jovan tianran eugene chengfei and huyi...then 1 stop b4 we gonna alight...our PCPS tcr came up...and it was MR YIP!!! then i like told XJ abt it then we all started joking abt him....then when we alighted we kinda di xiao-ed him...but like no reaction nvm...and XJ at the bustop say dunno what knock ont he window the do a human "Y-I-P" for him see....its like so veryvery damn diaos...
im like so damn tired....tmr still have cca...then sat have NDP rehearsal and shelter course...otherwise need go for the dunno what shitty race briefing....i like rather go for the shelter another day and go tution tmr lo...tution at least gt chair and can help me improve my maths....i missed it last week....slept until tution over when i came back from camp! ARGH! then this week must miss agn....i sure gonna get kicked out de at this rate....why the courses cnnt be on sun?! i hate it! ARGH! im going to starch my uniform....its not done yet wtf....
||Zhiyuan ."|| reminisced at [8:24:00 PM]*